Sajnos ez már nem kapható, de talán az alábbi ajánlatok érdekelhetnek
Kapcsolódó hirdetések
Blackstar HT-1 1 wattos csöves gitárkombó
SWR Workingmans 15 160 wattos basszuskombó
Fender Acoustasonic 30 30w-os akusztikus gitárkombó
Crate Vintage Club 5115 50 wattos fullcsöves gitárkombó
Eladó egy szép állapotú Wharfedale SVP-15B Pro 15 250 wattos szubládapár.
Bolti listaára 75.000 ft/db volt, én a kettőt adom 80ezer forintért.
Csere, beszámítás nem érdekel. Budapesten kipróbálható.
● Professional build quality
● Continuous 250W / Music 500W / Peak 1000W power handling
● Subwoofer speaker system, 15˝ high output bass driver
● Superior sound and reliability
At a price point better known for cheap imitations, the SVP series stands out from the competition.
Genuine Wharfedale Pro cast-frame woofers, high-efficiency compression driver, Elliptical Waveguide (EWG™) technology and Protech™ driver protection all ensure that SVP stands out as the best value in a professional sound reinforcement loudspeaker.
● Subwoofer speaker system, 15˝ high output bass driver
● 45-250Hz frequency response (+/-3dB)
● 8 ohms system impedance
● Pole mount adaptor
● Rectangular enclosure
● Continuous 250W / Music 500W / Peak 1000W power handling
H/D/W: 587 x 429 x 548 mm.
Specifications & General Info...
System type 15˝ compact sub
Frequency response +/- 3db 45-250Hz
Sensitivity (db 1w#1m) 98dB
System impedance 8 or 4 ohms
Maximum SPL Peak dB 126.5dB
Power Handling... (Watts)
Continous RMS 250
Program 500
Peak 1000
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