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Kapcsolódó hirdetések
Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Nano
Electro Harmonix BassBalls
FLAMMA FS02 Reverb
Meteoro Dr metál
Marshall típusú overdrive
The Brownie has controls for Gain, Level and Tone. This pedal uses the BSIAB circuit (Officially Licensed). Footprint of a Boss or Ibanez and has a bright blue LED and True Bypass.
This distortion pedal sounds like a Marshall on 11. It has great bass and attack response. The Brownie has MILES of sustain and a TON of gain.
Pedal is dead quiet with hardly any noise. Many thanks to Ed Guidry for this one!
Ehhez a hangszerhez gyorsteszt még nem került feltöltésre. Ha vannak tapasztalataid kérjük segíts másoknak, küldjed be még ma!
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