Bell A PAIR of Bell & Howell Bell & Howell Spea passzív monitor
2025.03.24. 10:35
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£ 751.59
For sale is a PAIR of mid-century Bell & Howell Filmosound Model 179 1x12˝ cabinet. Equipped with the original AlNiCo B&H branded Jensen speaker, rated 25W at 16 ohms. Attractive wooden enclosure with a hinged back, this pair is quite unique, I think they have the most beatiful, unique look with their square box and patterned front panel. It took me years to collect these two special speakers.
Both caninets have a cool sliding drawer for storage. The original input jacks are a 2-prong design rather than a standard 1/4˝ jack but has been tested with alligator clips to be fully functional and sounds great with a low wattage amp! Has some minor signs of wear and tear, but overall the cabs are in very good condition for their age.
Fantastic sounding speakers of a golden era.
Dimentions: 41 x 45 x 27 cm - per speaker.
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