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Kapcsolódó hirdetések
Carl Martin Red Repeat Analóg Echo
FLAMMA FS03 Zengető és Looper
Mooer Ana Echo
Fender Hammertone Delay
Eladó Arion DDS-1 dobozával (ami kicsit viseltes)
˝The Arion DDS-1 Stereo Digital Delay and Sampler (up to 4 seconds) was released by Arion in 1982. It has stereo/dry switch (to put the delay across stereo spectrum or left -- then right only), trig/remote switch, and rotary knobs for level, tone, repeat, delay time, and mode (which selects delay or playback). This is a classic and rare pedal from the 80s and they’re difficult to get hold of. It’s an old school toy that a lot of those early guitar/electronic `experi-mental` heads used to create weird noises.˝
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