Alvaro ALVA Nanoface külső hangkártya

2024.07.19. 11:41

Újszerű (használt)



Alva`s debut audio interface combines versatile single-control operation with impressive sound quality.

Alva Nanoface

The Nanoface is the very first audio interface to be offered by German company Alva. This development comes partly by way of a very close relationship with RME, for whom Alva supply breakout cables and other accessories. It`s no surprise, then, that the Nanoface bears a striking resemblance to its more lavish cousin over at RME — the Babyface — and employs a similar `modular` system of core interface plus breakout cable. In outline, its specification includes two microphone inputs, two further line inputs, four line outputs, S/PDIF digital I/O and MIDI In and Out
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