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Scammer alert

SCAMMERS...My Musician family...I would like to propose to all of us. That when we advertise on this site. That we place in the advertisement. NO REPLY TO NON MEMBERS. AND NO REPLY TO PRIVATE PHONE NUMBERS. The site can only protect us to a certain level. If we all stand together to protect each other. These annoying mosquitos will choose somewhere else to suck peoples blood. I thinks that we are all sick of time wasters who are only attacking the thing that we all love.... Music. We are lucky to have this site, So lets protect it... By the way if anyone is looking for a bass player/ vocalist to jam or gig with please let me know... Thank you.
    Number of comments - 14
  • 14.

    No comment !

  • 13.

    Do you give English lessons for arrogance???? Please i wish to apply. Thank you for your comments. But yes you are right i am here selling items made in Japan and the usa. And not cheap items from china. Nor did i mention about building a shield to keep people away from the site. Its called a deterrent. So please tell me what your problem is because majority of Hungarian people are very nice. But you are very rude. There is nothing wrong with my English only your attitude.... Thanks champion..

    Eredeti bejegyzés megtekintése

  • 12.

    Ennek elgurulhatott a gyogyszere. :D

  • 11.

    Sorry, until now I thought Australians speak and write good English but you don`t. Of course also many Hungarians have problems with their mother tongue. But that is a minor problem. Also the content is exaggerated. As the Administrators explained, they do what is needed to be done. Also, as I said the members have to be grown up and learn what has to be done on their side. When one decides to go to the ˝market˝ has to self-educate, undertake the rules, take measure for protection. In this respect you are right, something has to be done, but not consequetaly building an impenetrable shield.

    Eredeti bejegyzés megtekintése

  • 10.

    If that was directed at me...About english... Im an Australian.. And if its been over discussed why warn of another scammer??? If a scammer reads a page of adds that it knows its not going to get a reply. It will choose somewhere else. Its called common sense that some people appear to lack in the response. Why continue to comment on the topic if ALL members safety is obviously means nothing to you . You found my message so others might. So please if you dont agree dont comment. As these comments do nothing but encourage the thing that should be removed from a decent site.

    Eredeti bejegyzés megtekintése

  • 9.

    There is nothing to be discussed here, at this level... And why in English ?

  • 8.

    You`re not aware, but this topic has been overdiscussed here to the point that members get annoyed when it comes up again. ˝Watch out people, if contacts you, DO NOT REPLY, it`s a scam!!!˝ Your motivation is noble, but you won`t achieve anything, the people most prone to this kind of scam, the ones without a common sense compatible with the age of internet, won`t find this message...

  • 7.

    Yes true... I have 5 instruments advetised at what point do you determine if a person is trying to rip you off.... we are all trying to expand our horizons. But if a person is seeing to become a member which takes 5 minutes. I have 5 advertisement and eveey single one had been a scammer... I think you relying on luck isnt the key to protect members. Just to cash in on a situation.

  • 6.

    Yeah! We all need to be careful and decide , how to react !

  • 5.

    I agree, I just got a message last night about one of my ads and they were asking me to respond to their email address. I told them to join the sight because I did not know them and did not know if their inquiry was valid or if they were just trying to collect email addresses. I will join you in this venture and encourage everyone else to also.

  • 4.

    Dear Smithy,

    sorry I cannot fully agree with you! Of course it is our common interest to protect ourselves, however it is also our interest to widen our own opportunities. Just one example: Last year I was contacted from Japan, and actually the guy wasn`t a member. But we made a great deal, I sold him a sax made in China for a German company, imported to Hungary and exported back to Japan, without any friction.... Pls. keep this in mind also! In my opinial, we all have to be grown up to be able to judge each individual approach , and if there is a chance, just take it ! Of course trading is a profession, one has to be trained and needs experience! No excuse!

  • 3.

    A bit of both....Just yesterday was approached and several other members were as well. I think this is a good site and want it kept that was... Thanks for your reply...

  • 2.

    Is something wrong happened or you just wrote it in general?

    Eh, we are not the same :-|
    It is true, some (or many) just upload and never reply or try to scam. BUT, the mass is good here :-)

    Any ways it is nice to see that our members want to protect this place just like us who running it :-)
    That is why the name is GS Fanatic, we are all fanatics here :-D :-D

  • 1.

    Hát itt még az angolra is rá kell gyúrni, mert ez így meglehetős zagyvaság. Még akkor is , ha elsősorban az idegen ajkúaknak szól....

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