Roland FC-300 MIDI Pedal. It`s not in nice condition, but it`s good.
On our website:
As long as you can find it on our own page by clicking on the link in the ad, it is still for sale, you can even book it on our website! If you can`t find it anymore, please write or call us!
Thanks, but I`m not interested in replacement. The price is non-negotiable.
Please click on the link, take a look around our site!
Roland FC-300 MIDI Pedal. It`s not in nice condition, but it`s good.
On our website:
As long as you can find it on our own page by clicking on the link in the ad, it is still for sale, you can even book it on our website! If you can`t find it anymore, please write or call us!
Thanks, but I`m not interested in replacement. The price is non-negotiable.
Please click on the link, take a look around our site!
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