Jackson electric guitar

September 9, 2024, 6:26 pm

Good condition [used]
For sale
Mészáros Attila (2)

Rating: 0% Neutral (0)




Kihasználatlanság miatt eladóvá vált szeretett baltám. Jószívvel ajánlom mindenkinek, nagyon hálás kis hangszer. Szép állapotban.

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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Full points in the review: 9.6 ponits

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