Epiphone Regent 220 Blonde 40 W tube guitar combo

February 25, 2025, 2:44 pm

Good condition [used]
For sale

Rating: 62.5% Positive (24)




Epiphone Regent 220 Blonde 40 W - eladó 99.000 + Ajandék méretre készített fekete Cover

(2 x 20 W Stereo) Acoustic /Electric Guitar Amp - Solid State Chasis

40 W (2 x 20W stereo) power.
1 - 8˝ speaker plus
2 - 5˝ Electar Labs speakers.

- Top gold control 10 black kobs
- guitar level, mic level
- treble, midle, bass,
- anti feedback freq, level,
- reverb, delay, rate

- 3-band EQ.
- 2 channels - each volume control.
- Onboard reverb and chorus.
- Hi and Lo 1/4˝ inputs
- XLR input.
- Anti-feedback system.
- With black covering
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