Duesenberg TDBSN tremolo short nickel. In its factory box.
On our website:
As long as you can find it on our own page by clicking on the link in the ad, it is still for sale! If you can`t find it, please write or call us!
Thanks, but I`m not interested in replacement. The price is non-negotiable.
Please click on the link, take a look around our site!
Duesenberg TDBSN tremolo short nickel. In its factory box.
On our website:
As long as you can find it on our own page by clicking on the link in the ad, it is still for sale! If you can`t find it, please write or call us!
Thanks, but I`m not interested in replacement. The price is non-negotiable.
Please click on the link, take a look around our site!
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