Switch to Ad-Free!

Do we love ads?
No! Who does? But unfortunately, we have no other choice. Nowadays, maintaining and developing a website consumes an incredible amount of money. Especially development.
The big tech companies dominate everything, and it's hard to keep up with changing user needs.

We are living in difficult times and we need help.

Check out the Ad-Free account


Is it a problem that you use an ad blocker?

No problem at all. We use them too. Ads flood us in such quantities and poor quality that it has become unbearable.

However, the ad blocker kills small websites, whose only - almost exclusive - income is from banners.
BUT there is a choice!
If you don't want to pay to use GS Fanatic, of course, you can continue to do so. But we ask you to consider which solution you choose:
- either turn off the ad blocker,
- or switch to Ad-Free GS. This way, you support the site and at the same time get rid of the overwhelming mass of ads :-)


Why should you support GS Fanatic?

You don't have to if you don't want to :-)

But you should know, we still believe in a free internet world, where not 5 giant companies decide what you can see, who exists and who doesn't, or what is good and what is bad. What to buy, where, and when?
Continuous development and maintenance of a website - in the case of a high-traffic site like GS Fanatic - unfortunately, can no longer be done as a hobby. We've been pushing the cart since 2005 and have helped sell more than 600,000 (six hundred thousand) instruments. We have never asked for a commission and do not plan to in the future, but we are not billionaires, so we are asking for help.
We created and maintain the site out of a love for music, this is still not a question.


GS Fanatic has income, but it's far from a goldmine. Unfortunately, currently, development costs more than what the website brings in, so to develop the site at all, we have to dip into our own pockets.
In other words: All income from GS Fanatic is used for the development and maintenance of the site, for this, we ask for support from those who may make money using GS Fanatic.
Check out the Ad-Free account

Thank you for your attention and understanding!
Best regards,
the GS Fanatic team