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Gotoh SG381-MG-T-Locking sada klúčov na ladičku

April 7, 2023, 11:29 am

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These are remained new, never used. They are in their box. I currently live in Pecs/Hungary. I can ship anywhere in the country and abroad. (I will pay the shipping price, so this is a free shipping ad.) And I also can lower the price by the appropriate amount. You can make offers.
If you have any questions just contact me. Thanks!!! :)

Gotoh SG381-MGT-07 chrome Magnum lock tuners set 6-in line left-side (right hand guitar), with small 07 buttons, ratio 1:16. The shaft length is standard 20mm. Gotoh order number: SG381-MGT-07-C-L6
