EMG SRO OC Set pastilla de guitarra

Day before yesterday, 11:14 am

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25.000 Ft
€ 63
+ tarifa de envío

* Traditional open coil design with the perfect balance between clarity and high gain, the SRO OC1 is perfect for rock, blues, metal, or country. Don’t let the passive design fool you; there is plenty of power when you want it. With specific designs for neck and bridge, the Alnico V bar magnet provides the right amount of sustain and distortion. With EMG’s exclusive Quik-Connect system, installation becomes a simple task. From garage to arena, the HZ SRO Series OC1 will pack the house - Standing Room Only!
* OC1-N Specs:
Alnico V Bar magnet
Inductance: 7.42K
Gain: 4.4K
* OC1-B Specs:
Alnico V Bar magnet
Inductance: 16.44K
Gain: 3.05K
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