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Focusrite ISA 828 MKII
![Focusrite ISA 828 MKII Focusrite ISA 828 MKII](https://gsfanatic.com/aas_hirdetes/6/7/1/thumb/focusrite-isa-828-mkii-elofok-671973-1726308025-6997.webp)
Eredeti német Telefunken legendás előfok modul eladó.
Tiszta, meleg hangzású, nagyon szép selymes magasakkal.
szép és jó állapotban - tökéletesen működik.
3 darab V676a
1 TAB Rack
1 TAB Power supply (tapegység)
Provenience: It comes straight from the legendary Berlin Beatstudio (Agitation Free, Klaus Schulze, Manuel Göttsching, Tangerine Dream, Ash Ra Tempel) I am German and moved to Budapest with my privat recording studio 10 years ago and have brought a whole rack of it. I sell 3 module (in (excellent condition) - an extra power supply is needed and in-and-outs have yet to be soldered - ideally, the device fits a pre-configured TAB rack with power supply and IN / OUT board.
The Telefunken V676A is an heir to a long tradition of fine German broadcast modules. German transistor-based microphone preamplifiers have earned an excellent reputation among studio engineers with modules like the Telefunken V672, TAB V376, Neumann PMV 70 and V476B, Siemens V276, and more.
First manufactured in the late sixties, the V676A was the transistor-based version of the legendary V76 and all circuitry is discrete, living up to the strict German television and radio broadcast standards regulated by the Institut für Rundfunktechnik in the 60`s, 70`s, and 80`s- thereby earning it the designation V676A.
Személyes átvétel, Blaha L. tér vagy Kálvin tér. Nem postazom. (csak SMS vagy jófogás-üzenet). Ár fix.
Magánszemély vagyok.