Hughes & Kettner Warp 7- 112 kombó - 100w

Eladóvá vált a kombóm. Kimondottan az új keményebb zenéknek lett kifejlesztve. Próbateremben és koncerten kívállóan teszi a dolgát.
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Ultra low, ultra bad and fulminating with explosive energy - thats the formula for 21st century guitar tone. An unprecedented sound, conventional rocknroll amps dont have what it takes to deliver it. But the new WARP 7 combos certainly deliver the sonic goods Pitch-black, massive and ferocious, that trademark WARP 7 tone is just what the doctor ordered for seven-string and detuned guitars. And you get a killer clean channel alongside that feral Warp sound...

Zúzásra, főleg lehangolt metálra ideális.
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100 watt 4 ohmon
1 x 12˝-os Celestion Hot 100 hangszóró
2 csatorna: Clean és Warp Torz)
Clean: Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble
Warp: Gain, Master, Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence
˝Made in Germany˝
Ár 60 000
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